Tag Archives: critic


Last weekend, apart from donating at a blood drive, I decluttered my room and organized, getting ready for the new semester to come.

Over the break, I’ve been trying to continually improve myself in all aspects – physically, mentally, spiritually, and even financially.

Some self-help books that I’m reading right now are The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz and Willpower by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney. I’ve also been given How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing With People by Les Giblin.

I also got my first credit cards to help me build credit and become more financially literate. I’m learning to become increasingly financially independent, paying off my bills and loans.

Although I need to go to the gym more often, I get some exercise in by going for walks and playing basketball. Usually by myself, just shooting some hoops and having some fun.

Decluttering has always been one of those things I procrastinate on – I will literally find anything else to do. But following Leo Babauta’s advice, I’ve slowly begun decluttering my room and getting organized, and the results have been pretty amazing. It feels good to have a clear(er) table, which also impacts myself because it lets me think more clearly.

In hindsight, overall last weekend was really good, even if I didn’t do anything out-of-this-world exciting.

B+ Write about what you did last weekend as though you’re a music critic reviewing a new album.

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